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Nuu News

This is where you'll keep updated on how we're progressing, find articles on major industry news and read reviews on productions we've seen!
If you would like to write an article, review or promote your production on this page, please send us a message on the contact page.


Prism Project: Nuu Theatre

February 07, 2019

London’s Park Theatre has announced it is establishing a new artist development strand that will offer free rehearsal and performance space to minority ethnic artists.

The Prism Project is intended to help nurture black, Asian and minority ethnic voices on stage and address a need within the industry to provide more support and professional opportunities to BAME creatives. Nuu Theatre has a 50% BAME on Production policy which means that on all of our productions, 50% of the people working on the project will come from a BAME background.

The first Prism Project will feature sharings of our two Nuu Productions:

Damsel in Distress? by Holly Adomah

Set in Stains by Ruby Holder

And to end things off nicely, we have a special panel: “Ask an Artistic Director” where you will be able to ask AD's from Major Theatres questions about their job - panellists will be announced soon.

You can book your tickets here (Limited Availability):

The Ritual Slaughter Of The Devisenberg Collective

August 29, 2018

Why did you re-brand?

In October of 2017 Devisenberg had grown stagnant. There were no promising ideas coming out. Everyone in the team was busy with other commitments. We weren't the promising, youthful, energetic company we started out as.

In January 2018, I joined another company called Splinter (Check them out! @Splintercreate) which re-energised my creative muscles and passion for simply creating theatre with no boundaries. The great team at Splinter helped motivate me to restart Devisenberg!

Why change the name?

Let's be honest... Devisenberg was never really the best name. It was a name we made when pressed for time at the BRIT School when we had just finished a conversation about Breaking Bad. We mixed "Heisenberg" with "Devising" and ended up 3 years later with a name that no one can spell, isn't memorable and only means something if you're a German banker apparently.

Written by
Ben Quashie

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